Open Call Studio Tempe

Open Call Studio Tempe

Søknadsskjema for atelieret ved Tempe helse- og velferdssenter.

Skjemaet stenges den 1. november 2024 kl. 23:59 CET.

Ved å sende inn dette skjemaet godtar du at Stiftelsen Lademoen Kunstnerverksteder lagrer innsendt informasjon i maksimalt 3 år fra innleveringsdato. Denne informasjonen vil bli delt med Trondheim kommunes tildelingsutvalg og observatøren fra kommune via WeTransfer. For ytterligere detaljer om opplysningene som lagres, kan du kontakte Stiftelsen Lademoen Kunstnerverksteder på e-post:


Application form for the studio at Tempe Health and Welfare Centre.

The form will close on the 1st of November 2024 23:59 CET.

By submitting this form, you accept that Stiftelsen Lademoen Kunstnerverksteder will store the submitted information for no more than 3 years from the date of submittal. This information will be shared with the committee and the Trondheim Kommune’s observer via WeTransfer. For further details about the information stored, you can contact Stiftelsen Lademoen Kunstnerverksteder via email:

Full name
Full name
Registered address
Registered address
Zip Code
Is your Residential address the same as Registered address?
Residential address
Residential address
Zip Code

Maximum file size: 20MB

13 pages maximum, 20 MB, name file: TEMPE_Surname with the following: · CV and portfolio · Motivation for application · How the studio will be used for artistic production · Thoughts on how collaboration with or dissemination to the Health and Welfare Centre and its residents can take place.
I have read Trondheim Municipality’s guidelines for the studio programme and understand the conditions for the allocation of the studio.
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