Deadline 1st of April 2020
Room 101– 31 sqm – ca. 2300 NOK/month
Available from August 1st 2020
For graduating art students, one-year contract (with a possibility to stay at LKV up to five years)
LKV is Trondheims largest working community for artists. Here you’ll find 41 studios, in addition to two project rooms and workshops for printmaking, metal, wood and analogue photography. The workshops at LKV are available for LKVs permanent tenants and all other professional artists in Trondheim.
Application must contain:
– Studio you are applying for
– Applicants residential address
– Short presentation of your plans the upcoming year
– Description of how you would like to use the studio and workshops at LKV
– CV and a portfolio
The application must be submitted digitally as a single PDF-file. If your application contains audio or video, send this as an online link.
Contact us on if you’d like to have a look at the studio and workshops at LKV or have other related queries.
Send your application via email to, marked “Application 101”
Applications are reviewed by Trondheim Kommunes Studio Assignment Committee. Award criteria can be found here (in Norwegian).