LKV has a number of workshops and project rooms available for all professional artists.
There are workshops available for wood work, metal, printmaking and photography, as well as three project rooms in different sizes that can be used for larger projects: Two inside the main building (ca 50 m² and ca 90 m²) and one in a building adjacent to the main one (not heated)with a kiln. Professional artists are welcome to rent both project rooms and workshops.
For booking you must do it through our system:
The rates are divided into three categories:
1) For professional artists with insufficient funding:
2) For professional artists working with funding, as commissioned projects, or using the space for exhibition purposes:
3) For companies and institutions:
Required introduction in the workshops for new tenants: NOK 300

Info sheets:
Small project room
Large project room
Utstyrsliste/List of equipment
Litografipresse/Lithography press
Litografisteiner (maks. størrelse 33 x 43 cm)/Lithography stones (max. size 33 x 43 cm)
Steiner/Various stones
Silketryk/Screen printing
Silketrykkbord/Screen printing table (Siri-Drucktisch 3000 plus)
Silketrykkrammer, Silkscreen frames
rakler mm./squeegees
Belysningsutstyr for silketrykkrammer/Lighting equipment for screen printing frames
Printmaking presses
Neckar kobbertrykkpresse, valsebredde 100 cm/Neckar copper printing press, roll width 100 cm
Varmeplater/Heating plates
Smaller presses
Treverkested/Wood workshop
Bordsag/table saw
Båndsag/band saw
Båndslipemaskin/belt sander
Kombihøvel/combination planer
Gjæringssag/miter saw
Rammekutter/frame cutter
Bormaskin/drilling machine
Skrutvinger/screw clamps
Div. trykkluftverktøy/Various compressed air tools
Foto/Photography department
Forstørrer/Enlarger Durst Pictochrom Plus (filmformat 4×5″/10×12 cm)
Forstørrer/Magnifier Durst M605 Color
Fotoskyller Kostner/Photo rinse Costs
Filmtørker/Film driers
Div. skåler, tanker, lamper etc./Various bowls, tanks, lamps etc.
Kaiser rullekniv/Kaiser rolling knife
Eksponeringsur/Exposure clock
Kaiser Dias Copy System (for diasduplisering)/(for slide duplication)
Professional screen for photo editing
Epson V750 PRO
Overhead projector
Kiln Cerama LS-215
Metallverksted/Metal workshop
Sveiseutstyr/Welding equipment (ESAB DTB 250 Twintig og ESAB LPG 80 Mig)
Stasjonær båndslipemaskin/Stationary belt sander
Søylebormaskin/Column drilling machine
Vinkelsliper/Angle grinder
Slagsaks/Impact shears
Div. trykkluftverktøy/Various compressed air tools
Verkstedet omfatter også et rom for stein- eller støpearbeid på ca. 15 m2./The workshop also includes a room for stone or casting work of approx. 15 m2.
We sometimes host courses in artistic techniques and materials. Courses are announced on our web page and on our facebook page.

Large project room inside main building, ca 90 m²
Any questions please address them to or
We encourage you to visit the other artist collective since they offer different services/facilities.
RAKE Arbeidsfellesskap – Media boks
Rotvoll Kunstnerkollektiv – Sound and Media