LKV og RAKE arrangerer stipendsøknadskurs for billedkunstnere med Per Kristian Nygård og Line Anda Dalmar den 12. oktober. Arrangementet er gratis, men påmelding er påkrevd (vedlagt link under). Velkommen!
LKV og RAKE arrangerer stipendsøknadskurs for billedkunstnere med Per Kristian Nygård og Line Anda Dalmar den 12. oktober. Arrangementet er gratis, men påmelding er påkrevd (vedlagt link under). Velkommen!
We are happy to present the exhibition Pater_Noster_2020 by Martinus Suijkerbuijk at our gallery BABEL visningsrom for kunst. This exhibition is part of the second chapter of Meta.Morf – Trondheim international biennale for art & technology 2020, which was divided in two chapters due to the current pandemic.
Welcome to the exhibition LKV takes over at BABEL visningsrom for kunst!
Unnur Andrea, Märit Aronsson, Helga Bøe, Amalia Fonfara, Matilde Westavik Gaustad, Håvard Stamnes, Anne Helga Henning, Barbro M. Tiller, Dag-Arve Forbergskog, Kristina Cepkenovic Karlsen, Sigrid Bøyum, and Sju Kunstnere.
Welcome to Nanna K. Hougaard’s exhibition Carriers of Meaning at BABEL visningsrom for kunst! This is an exhibition that celebrates one year at the Lademoen Kunstnerverksteder (LKV) studio for newly-graduated students
Deadline 1st of April 2020
Room 101– 31 sqm – ca. 2300 NOK/month
Available from August 1st 2020
For graduating art students, one-year contract (with a possibility to stay at LKV up to five years)
LKV is Trondheims largest working community for artists. Here you’ll find 41 studios, in addition to two project rooms and workshops for printmaking, metal, wood and analogue photography. The workshops at LKV are available for LKVs permanent tenants and all other professional artists in Trondheim.
Application must contain:
– Studio you are applying for
– Applicants residential address
– Short presentation of your plans the upcoming year
– Description of how you would like to use the studio and workshops at LKV
– CV and a portfolio
The application must be submitted digitally as a single PDF-file. If your application contains audio or video, send this as an online link.
Contact us on mail@lkv.no if you’d like to have a look at the studio and workshops at LKV or have other related queries.
Send your application via email to mail@lkv.no, marked “Application 101”
Applications are reviewed by Trondheim Kommunes Studio Assignment Committee. Award criteria can be found here (in Norwegian).
During 2019 we have upgraded the lithography workshop at LKV, with the help of Åsmund Haukelidsæter and it is soon ready for regular use. The project is supported by Norske Grafikeres Forbund, Torstein Erbos Gavefond and volunteer work from tenants at LKV.
In February and April we are arranging four courses for professional artists in lithography. The course will run through the techniques of grinding, drawing, etching and pressing stones. The goal is to give the participants an introduction to be able to use the lithography workshop on their own. The course fee is 1200,-.
Course dates:
18.-20. February – fully booked
21.-23. February – fully booked
20.-22. April – fully booked
22.-24. April – fully booked
Contact us at mail@lkv.no to sign up or to let us know if you’re interested in a course at a later date.
In October Dan Mariner from Galleri Noua in Bodø held a course in frame making for 8 participants at LKV. We learned basic techniques for frame making and all the participants made their own frame.
Documentation of pop-up-exhibition in the stairways Wednesday 26th of June 2019
We finally have our new Robland Z300 panel saw in house, and ready mounted. With a weight of 5-600 kg it was challenging to get it inside the wood work shop, but thanks to Trønderfrakt and their amazing truck driver we finished the job with no casualties.