English and Norwegian versions will be uploaded soon
Project space
The tenant is obliged to get familiar with the rules for using the project space, and the fees in case for not satisfactory cleaning and resetting the space.
Keys are handed out and delivered back as agreed at the office.
The tenant is responsible for damage and accident insurance if needed. LKV has no responsibility for accidents and damage.
If the tenant invites other users into the project space, it is her/his responsibility to ensure that these users also follow the rules and respects other tenants in the building. In case of damage or theft caused by users invited by the tenant, it is the tenant’s responsibility to restore/replace what is broken/lost.
The room must be cleared and cleaned after use: Clean the floors, Wipe the windowsills, Throw out the garbage – the key to the container is placed by the the main entrance.
After use the room must be reset to the same standard you found it in: Remove all nails, screws and staples; Reset the walls with putty; Dry and sand; Paint the walls (NB: Do not paint undried putty)
The keys are picked up and delivered back at the office by appointment.
Fee for insufficient cleaning and resetting of the project space: NOK 1000 for cleaning; NOK 2500 for resetting the walls. If resetting the project space is of a greater scope the tenant will be billed according to time spent resetting
Vacuum cleaner, mop, cloths, detergents and all necessary paint equipment are available in a metal cabinet in the hallway on the 1st floor. You will get the key to the closet along with the project space key.
Verkstedene skal brukes til egen kunstnerisk virksomhet.
Leietaker må ha tilstrekkelig kunnskap om bruk av de aktuelle maskiner. Det er brukerens ansvar å skaffe seg slik kunnskap.
Leietaker er selv ansvarlig for å tegne skade – og ulykkesforsikring før bruk av verksteder. Dersom slik forsikring ikke er tegnet står LKV uten ansvar ved skade eller ulykke i LKV’s lokaler.
Leietaker forplikter seg til å rydde etter bruk av verksteder. Det er ikke tillatt å lagre private ting i fellesverkstedene.
Stiftelsen har ansvar for å gi leietaker informasjon om alarmkoder og rutiner ved bruk og eventuell falsk alarm.
Det er leietakers ansvar å forsikre seg om at verkstedet er ledig i ønsket tidsrom. Ved stor pågang må verksted reserveres for aktuell periode på forhånd.